with another season of my young adult life under my belt, i can't help but notice how many (needed) lessons god has thrown my way this semester. i just arrived home in wisconsin for a couple days for the holidays, & i've had some time to reflect on the whirlwind of a couple months that just took place.
so far, so good on the apartment front. i've managed to not set the place or myself on fire. i still don't know how to cook, therefore i'm quite hungry most of the time. my meals consist of frozen smart one dinners & a fair share of mediocre sandwiches. i'm so bad of a cook that i mixed the seasoning & water in a separate bowl when i made tacos for the first time…. yeah, i'm still embarrassed as i type that out three months later. i don't think i can consider myself an adult until i can turn a frozen chicken breast into an edible one. every time i head to the grocery store i think to myself, "yeah, this is the week i'm gong to start cooking." i buy an excessive amount of ingredients for just myself & the meals i think i'm going to make. my success rate of completing these meals is at 0%. sadly, my roommates are getting used to my moldy food taking up space in our fridge. "who's nasty cheese is this..?! it's been here for weeks." "it's probably lauren's." yes, there's a 100% chance it is. this is a reminder of the excess i carry around in my life. less will always be more.
i like to consider myself half & half on the introverted/extroverted scale. i love my social life, but i love my alone time a tad bit more. so, much to my surprise i've throughly enjoyed sharing my living space with my roommates. we've made it through half of our time together with minimal drama (you can't put five girls in a four bedroom apartment & expect it to be sunshine & roses). coming home after a long day to woman you feel comfortable telling anything to, is something that i've come to love & i'm sure will miss once our time comes to an end. we've shared some hilarious moments & some not so laughable ones, but i'm so glad i have them along my side as we go through some of the same seasons in our lives. i'm confident in saying that they are the reason i love my time at college so much. it's so heartwarming to know that my friends who were strangers a year ago, have turned into my second family.
somehow i finished my third semester of college. "the best years" of my life are going by at lightening speed. i'm at peace with this though, because that means that exams are almost a thing of the past & soon i'll be kicking ass at my dream job. i didn't finish as strong as i would've liked, but i'm using that as fuel for second semester's fire. falling behind & procrastinating are things i'm very good at. luckily, i've always been able to finish what i need to even if it's at 11:58, a minute before the dropbox closes at 11:59. i'm not going to start advocating procrastination because it adds way more stress to my life than there needs to be, but so far it hasn't completely failed me. my goal for next semester is to be way more organized & to put the complimentary school planner to good use. i want my sunday nights to be filled with church & netflix. starting your week off with hours of homework is just way too depressing. why i continue to torture myself with it is something i'll never understand.
as you can see, i've taken an embarrassing leave of absence from this blog. i let school, work, & life become top three in my life & the free time i did have was spent doing absolutely nothing. i've missed writing & connecting with ya'll. i'm hoping to use winter break as a chance to recharge & get re-inspired in my little corner of the internet. stay tuned for lots of catch up posts!
i hope this finds you curled up on the couch at your own home, enjoying the holiday season & cherishing your loved ones. i'm off to do the same.
xoxo. lauren.