Wednesday, September 23, 2015

five ways to get the most out of your 20's.

(try to) enjoy every moment. 

let's face it. being in your twenties is not a glamorous job. thanks for the unrealistic expectations, carrie bradshaw. it's easy to get lost in our typical routines of class, minimum wage jobs, sweatpants & ramen noodles. our days start to blend together & we become blind joys that surround us on a daily basis. no matter what you're doing, try to find the bliss in everything you do. you'll feel so much more peace.

 make time for you. 

finding & creating yourself tend to be the reoccurring themes of your twenties. apparently, it should be on all of our agendas. however, it can't take place unless you consciously give yourself the time to do so. this introspective time has allowed me to know whether to change directions, switch paths, open doors, or close them. you have to find what works for you. take time to be selfish, find your niche & buy yourself some damn flowers.

be kind to everyone you meet. 

being the mean, popular girl won't get you far anymore. it won't get you a job. it won't get you friends. it won't get you a good reputation. being kind can open up so many opportunities for yourself. word travels around fast when people know you as the "nice-girl." leave each person you encounter better than when you found them, no matter how shitty you feel. it's a win-win.

 learn to love your imperfections. 

being twenty today in a society driven by social media & waves of comparison, this one can be tough. one day you'll wake up & those american eagle skinny jeans from high school may not fit just as they did at a friday night football game four years ago. but, the best part? that's okay. the world won't stop spinning if you've gained five pounds, have pimples on your face or hair that doesn't curl. it's what make you, you. each change that comes your way is molding you into the woman rockstar that you were born to be.

realize you don't have to have all the answers. 

because honestly, who does? you need to fall down & make mistakes in order for you to discover what works for you. we wouldn't figure out how to "do life" any other way. the best thing about this time in your life (or any age) is the learning process you undergo on a daily basis. there are always hidden opportunities behind every failure. get excited about the mistakes you'll make & the lessons you'll learn along the way.

xoxo. lauren. 

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